Want to become a member?

Become a member today and enjoy our credit and saving services.


Under  credit, we have , Development Loan, Emergency Loan  and School Fees Loan which are payable in 48 months, 12 months and 12 months respectively.


Under savings, we have the Share capital currently at Kshs. 8,000 (which is 400 shares at Kshs. 20) and deposits.
This earns Dividends and interest at the end of every financial year. The interest rates depend on the performance of the year. The share capital is non refundable but transferable.

About Us

Heart Saving and credit co-operative is a limited company which was registered on 27th September 1999. It is registered under the The Ministry of Cooperative Development and Marketing and The apex Sacco, Kenya Union Savings and Credit Co-Operative Ltd. (KUSCCO). We are regulated and licensed by Sacco Societies Regulatory Authority (SASRA) .

We are governed by the Heart Sacco By-Laws which are in line with the Sacco Co-operative Act. We are also registered with CRB for sharing information with other institutions. We have an open bond membership.